Infrared transceiver for the transfer of data at a speed of 1200 up to 115000 Bauds.This equipment is dedicated to the half duplex wireless communication between fix and mobile devices.
With its extensive experience in “tailor-made” panel designing and cabling, and aware of its customers’ requirements in pneumatic control, TEC AUTOMATISMES presents a new standard ...
We are pleased to announce to you that SEICER has recently joined TEC AUTOMATISMES within AIF group.SEICER specializes in the design and the ...
Z.I des Petits Près,
Route de Balagny, B.P. 129
60251 MOUY Cédex (France)
Phone: +33 (0)3 44 31 15 15
Fax: +33 (0)3 44 26 43 73